Use Your Business To Help ObamaSF

Can your businsess help ObamaSF?  Yes!

How?  Here are a few ideas:

  • Donate a % of your proceeds to ObamaSF
  • Run a lmiited time promotion (certain hours, days, etc.) during which you'll donate a % of your proceeds to ObamaSF
  • Offer discounts for customers who mention ObamaSF
  • Host an event where 100% of the proceeds go to ObamaSF
  • etc.
We'll be happy to promote your business on our site -- driving more business to you and donations to us!  If we can entice folks to buy things they might buy anyway, but with a percentage going to ObamaSF, it's a win for them, for your businsess, and for ObamaSF!

Please let us know your idea on how your business can promote ObamaSF:
Business Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone *
E-mail address *
Your promotion idea *
We'll be back in touch with you shortly.

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